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Applied Filters: rails x
Episode #123Aug 18, 200882 comments


Learn how to unleash the full potential of subdomains with the subdomain-fu Rails plugin in this episode. (18 minutes)
Tableless Model
Episode #193Dec 21, 200955 comments

Tableless Model

If you want to create a model without a database backend, you simply need to define a couple methods in the model like I show in this episode. (8 minutes)
Complex Forms Part 3
Episode #75Oct 15, 2007270 comments

Complex Forms Part 3

In this third and final episode on complex forms I will show you how to edit a project and multiple tasks all in one form. This includes removing and adding tasks dynamically as well. See the show notes for updated code. (16 minutes)
Cookie Based Session Store
Episode #84Dec 16, 200738 comments

Cookie Based Session Store

In Rails 1.2 the default session store is file based. This is inefficient and difficult to maintain. In Rails 2.0 the default is now cookie based which has several benefits as you will see in this episode. (4 minutes)
Delayed Job
Episode #171Jul 20, 200975 comments

Delayed Job

Is there a long running task which should be handled in the background? One of the best ways is using the delayed_job plugin like I show in this episode. (10 minutes)
Semi-Static Pages
Episode #117Jul 07, 200873 comments

Semi-Static Pages

Static pages can sometimes be a little awkward to add to a Rails app. See a couple different solutions to this problem in this episode. (14 minutes)
Episode #134Nov 03, 2008158 comments


Need to add image attachments to a model? See how with paperclip in this episode. (7 minutes)
Generating RSS Feeds
Episode #87Jan 06, 200865 comments

Generating RSS Feeds

See how to easily generate and link to an RSS feed using new features in Rails 2.0. Watch this episode or details. (6 minutes)
Dynamic Page Caching
Episode #169Jul 06, 200979 comments

Dynamic Page Caching

Use JavaScript to allow dynamic content in a page cache. In this episode I show you how to insert the user-specific content into a page through JavaScript. (11 minutes)
Request Profiling
Episode #98Mar 24, 200835 comments

Request Profiling

You can use profiling to determine where the performance bottlenecks are in specific Rails actions. Watch this episode for details. (10 minutes)