- Active Record
- Active Resource
- Active Support
- Administration
- Ajax
- APIs
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Background Jobs
- Caching
- Code Walkthrough
- Controllers
- Debugging
- Deployment
- eCommerce
- Forms
- Mailing
- Models
- Performance
- Plugins
- Production
- Rack
- Rails 2.0
- Rails 2.1
- Rails 2.2
- Rails 2.3
- Rails 3.0
- Rails 3.1
- Rails 3.2
- Rails 4.0
- Refactoring
- Routing
- Search
- Security
- Testing
- Tools
- Views
Applied Filters:
Active Record x
There are several gems to help implement tags in a Rails app. Here I show you how to integrate acts-as-taggable-on and then show how to do it from scratch.
(11 minutes)
Optimistic Locking (revised)
There is a chance one user will unintentionally override someone else's changes if they update a record near the same time. One solution is to use optimistic locking. The updated_at column can also be used for this as shown.
(8 minutes)
Virtual Attributes (revised)
Virtual attributes are a clean way to add form fields that do not map directly to the database. Here I show how to handle validations, associations, and more.
(11 minutes)
Active Record Reputation System
If you need to calculate an average user's rating or sum up a number of votes, consider using the activerecord-reputation-system gem. Here I will cover the basics and also briefly present a from-scratch solution.
(10 minutes)
Hacking with Arel
Here I show a variety of ways to rewrite a long SQL query using only Active Record and Arel. This includes generating scopes dynamically, adding an "or" operator, and adding a powerful "match" method.
(15 minutes)
Squeel provides a comprehensive DSL for writing SQL queries in Ruby. It is built upon Arel giving you access to many of its powerful features.
(9 minutes)
Polymorphic Association (revised)
A polymorphic association allows a model to belong_to different types of other models. Here I show how to make a single comment model belong to articles, photos, and events.
(11 minutes)
Nested Model Form (revised)
Handling multiple models in a single form is easy with accepts_nested_attributes_for. Here you will also learn how to add and remove nested records through JavaScript.
(11 minutes)
Full-Text Search in PostgreSQL
Postgres offers full-text searching right out of the box. This episode shows how to write queries from scratch, apply tools like Texticle and pg_search, and optimize performance through indexes.
(16 minutes)
Migrating to PostgreSQL
Postgres is a feature-packed relational database that every Rails developer should consider using. Here you will learn how to install it, add it to a new application, and transition from an existing SQLite app using the "taps" gem.
(8 minutes)