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ERB Blocks in Rails 3
Episode #208Apr 05, 201060 comments

ERB Blocks in Rails 3

Blocks in ERB templates are handled differently in Rails 3.0 Beta 2. Learn all about it in this episode. (9 minutes)
Notifications in Rails 3
Episode #249Jan 17, 201134 comments

Notifications in Rails 3

Rails 3 comes with instrument support through the ActiveSupport::Notifications class. Call "subscribe" to listen to notifications, and "instrument" to send them. (10 minutes)
Active Record Queries in Rails 3
Episode #202Feb 22, 201071 comments

Active Record Queries in Rails 3

Rails 3 introduces a new query interface for performing finds in Active Record. See how it works along with the changes in named scopes. (10 minutes)
Routing in Rails 3
Episode #203Mar 01, 201035 comments

Routing in Rails 3

Rails 3 sports a new routing interface. In this episode I show how to translate the old interface into the new one and show off a few new features. (13 minutes)
Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 3
Episode #227Aug 16, 201034 comments

Upgrading to Rails 3 Part 3

Here we finish up this upgrade series by removing all deprecation warnings and fixing some problems in the view. (9 minutes)
Advanced Queries in Rails 3
Episode #215May 24, 201053 comments

Advanced Queries in Rails 3

Learn some advanced techniques regarding named scopes and get an introduction to Arel in this episode. (9 minutes)
Controllers in Rails 3
Episode #224Jul 26, 201048 comments

Controllers in Rails 3

Embedded flash notices, permanent cookies, and the details of respond_with are in this episode. (10 minutes)
Pagination with Kaminari
Episode #254Feb 21, 201191 comments

Pagination with Kaminari

If you need pagination in Rails 3 try out Kaminari. It is a clean, flexible solution which uses scopes to flow nicely with Active Record queries. Did I mention it also works with Mongoid? (8 minutes)
Routing Walkthrough Part 1
Episode #231Sep 13, 201064 comments

Routing Walkthrough Part 1

How does routing work internally in Rails 3? In this episode I'll walk you through the Rails code that makes routing possible. (13 minutes)
ActiveRecord::Relation Walkthrough
Episode #239Nov 07, 201042 comments

ActiveRecord::Relation Walkthrough

The new Active Record query methods in Rails 3 might seem like magic at first. But in this episode I unravel how it works by browsing the Rails 3 source code. (11 minutes)