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Applied Filters: named_scope x
Backbone on Rails Part 1
Episode #323Feb 08, 2012207 comments

Backbone on Rails Part 1

In this first part of a two part series you will learn basic Backbone concepts including models, collections, routers, views and events. The backbone-on-rails gem is used for Rails integration with the asset pipeline. (18 minutes)
Multitenancy with Scopes
Episode #388Oct 20, 2012120 comments

Multitenancy with Scopes

A multi-tenant application can be difficult to implement because the data for each tenant must be completely separate. Here I show how to do this using subdomains and default scopes in Active Record. (12 minutes)
Active Admin
Episode #284Sep 19, 2011133 comments

Active Admin

Active Admin allows you to quickly build an admin interface with just a few commands. Not only does it look great, but it is very customizable as shown in this episode. (12 minutes)
Active Record Queries in Rails 3
Episode #202Feb 22, 201071 comments

Active Record Queries in Rails 3

Rails 3 introduces a new query interface for performing finds in Active Record. See how it works along with the changes in named scopes. (10 minutes)
A Tour of State Machines
Episode #392Nov 17, 201293 comments

A Tour of State Machines

Here I show how three popular state machine gems can be used to clean up a list of boolean/datetime fields. I also show a custom solution which keeps track of the history of events. (12 minutes)
Active Record Reputation System
Episode #364Jul 09, 2012105 comments

Active Record Reputation System

If you need to calculate an average user's rating or sum up a number of votes, consider using the activerecord-reputation-system gem. Here I will cover the basics and also briefly present a from-scratch solution. (10 minutes)
Episode #176Aug 24, 200996 comments


Searchlogic makes searching models easier than ever with its assortment of named scopes. In this episode I show you how to create simple and advanced searches. (13 minutes)
Episode #345Apr 24, 201299 comments


With hstore you can add schema-less data to PostgreSQL. This allows you to store model attributes without creating separate database columns. Watch how to do this using the activerecord-postgres-hstore gem. (10 minutes)
I18n (revised)
Episode #138Mar 29, 201279 comments

I18n (revised)

Translate a site into other languages through internationalization (I18n). Here I show how to store a locale in the URL and manage translated text through YAML files. (10 minutes)
Search, Sort, Paginate with AJAX
Episode #240Nov 15, 2010124 comments

Search, Sort, Paginate with AJAX

Many administration pages have search, sorting, and pagination on the index page. See how to add all of this including AJAX. (13 minutes)