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Applied Filters: jquery x
Sortable Lists (revised)
Episode #147Oct 13, 2011131 comments

Sortable Lists (revised)

Here I show how to use jQuery UI to make a sortable list and a "sort" action to handle the updating. Top it off with acts_as_list to make it feature complete. (6 minutes)
Auto-Complete Association (revised)
Episode #102Nov 10, 201176 comments

Auto-Complete Association (revised)

A select menu is often used for setting a belongs_to association, but you should also consider using a text field with autocomple. Here I use jQuery UI and show two different solutions: client side and server side. (9 minutes)
Nested Model Form (revised)
Episode #196Apr 19, 2012228 comments

Nested Model Form (revised)

Handling multiple models in a single form is easy with accepts_nested_attributes_for. Here you will also learn how to add and remove nested records through JavaScript. (11 minutes)
Facebook Authentication
Episode #360Jun 25, 2012196 comments

Facebook Authentication

This will show how to create a new facebook application and configure it. Then add some authentication with the omniauth-facebook gem and top it off with a client-side authentication using the JavaScript SDK. (12 minutes)
Token Fields
Episode #258Mar 21, 2011118 comments

Token Fields

With the jQuery Tokeninput plugin it is easy to add an autocompleting list of entries for a many-to-many association. (11 minutes)
Polling for Changes (revised)
Episode #229Jan 14, 201392 comments

Polling for Changes (revised)

Polling may not be as common today as pushing changes over an open socket, however it is still an effective, simple solution if you do not need instantaneous updates. (10 minutes)
Charts & Graphs (revised)
Episode #223Sep 15, 2012116 comments

Charts & Graphs (revised)

If you have a lot of data, consider adding a graph to provide an overview of it. Here I show how to use Morris.js to chart an Order model and visualize trends in the data. (12 minutes)
Testing JavaScript with Jasmine
Episode #261Apr 11, 201144 comments

Testing JavaScript with Jasmine

Are you testing your JavaScript? Learn how to add specs using Jasmine. This episode also covers jQuery integration with jasmine-jquery. (15 minutes)
Episode #390Nov 05, 2012114 comments


Turbolinks can make your Rails app feel faster by using JavaScript to replace the page content when clicking a link. It will be default in new Rails 4.0 applications, but here I show how to use it in Rails 3 and mention some of the gotchas. (7 minutes)
Autocomplete Search Terms
Episode #399Dec 31, 201290 comments

Autocomplete Search Terms

Learn how to add autocompletion to a search form and improve performance using Rack middleware, caching and switching from SQL to Redis. (17 minutes)