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Applied Filters: rails xRails 3.1 x
Rails 3.1 Overview
Episode #265May 09, 2011149 comments

Rails 3.1 Overview

This is the first episode in a series covering Rails 3.1. Here I show how to install the beta and show some of the new features. (13 minutes)
Authentication in Rails 3.1
Episode #270Jun 13, 2011138 comments

Authentication in Rails 3.1

Here I show off three new features in Rails 3.1 that will help with authentication: easier HTTP Basic, SecurePassword in the database, and forcing SSL. (7 minutes)
Rails Initialization Walkthrough
Episode #299Nov 14, 201130 comments

Rails Initialization Walkthrough

In this episode I walk you through the internals of the Rails initialization process and show exactly what happens behind the scenes when starting up the Rails application. (13 minutes)
Upgrading to Rails 3.1
Episode #282Sep 05, 201153 comments

Upgrading to Rails 3.1

It is incredibly easy to upgrade to Rails 3.1, but if you want to take advantage of the asset pipeline you will need to put in some extra effort. Have no fear because I walk you through each of the necessary steps in this episode. (8 minutes)
Subdomains (revised)
Episode #123Jan 13, 201266 comments

Subdomains (revised)

In Rails 3.1 subdomains are easier than ever to use. Here I show how to route a subdomain to a specific controller action, generate links, nest resources, and more. (7 minutes)
Mountable Engines
Episode #277Aug 01, 201182 comments

Mountable Engines

Engines are receiving a major update in Rails 3.1. You can mount them at any path, embed assets, run generators and more. See how in this episode. (13 minutes)
Understanding the Asset Pipeline
Episode #279Aug 15, 201175 comments

Understanding the Asset Pipeline

The asset pipeline is probably the biggest feature in Rails 3.1, but it can seem like magic at first. Here I dive into exactly how the asset pipeline works. (11 minutes)
Template Inheritance
Episode #269Jun 06, 201143 comments

Template Inheritance

In Rails 3.1 the controller inheritance also applies to the view layer. Here I show how to add an application template which is shared by all views, and a lookup path for overriding templates based on the subdomain. (8 minutes)
HTTP Streaming
Episode #266May 16, 201153 comments

HTTP Streaming

HTTP Streaming allows the browser to start processing the HTML response while the Rails app is still processing the rest of the request. (9 minutes)
CoffeeScript Basics
Episode #267May 23, 201182 comments

CoffeeScript Basics

CoffeeScript allows you to write JavaScript in a concise, elegant fashion. Here I convert JavaScript code to CoffeeScript in a Rails 3.1 app. (11 minutes)