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Yacobus Reinhart's Profile

GitHub User: jackbit

Site: www.reinhartlab.com

Comments by Yacobus Reinhart


I have few questions to rubber template:

when i run with template "complete_passenger_nginx", it asked me which database with error. Just for information, i use RDS Amazon for MySQL service. so I choose "complete_passenger_nginx_mysql".

At here, rubber is generated successfully. My ec2 is installed on ubuntu 64bit and rbenv (not rvm). But I confuse, if autoscaling will use rbenv to control my passenger. Because i check in config/rubber/passenger.yml, it uses rvm not rbenv.

How i can make my rubber uses rbenv to control my ruby, rails and passenger, not rvm and native ruby? will it be problem when scaling is run, if i left rvm as default configuration for my passenger?

Many Thanks,
Yacobus Reinhart