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GitHub User: callagga

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Can I ask a couple of questions here Ryan or others.

1) does the "sign in with google" use OAuth-2 or OpenID? Getting confused here. Reading the google pages it almost seems you need to use OpenID for "sign in using google", and OAuth to get data via google api's?

2) if I want to both (a) use "sign in with google" for authentication, and also (b) access data from a google api, then do I need to use two separate processes in rails for this? E.g. do I need to use say (a) OmniAuth to do the "sign in with google", and then (b) OAuth Plugin configured to google calendar API to get the data?

I ask this last question noting I've successfully so far used (a) OmniAuth to do the "sign in with google", and (b) OAuth Plugin to get google calendar API data.