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GitHub User: lightbe

Site: http://www.lightbe.com

Comments by LightBe Corp


It appears that config.exceptions_app = self.routes no longer works in Rails 4. I implemented custom error pages using this when my application was 3.2.13. However when I rewrote the application in Rails 4.0.0 it completely ignored my custom error pages. Thankfully I could move them to the public folder (no ruby code) even with localization. All I did was to create separate views for each locale (i.e. 404.en.html, 404.fr.html) in the pubic folder. No other changes were needed. When I get a 404 error for locale en the English error page displays. When I get a 404 error for locale fr the French error page displays. Maybe there is a way to use html.erb files in the public folder to access some of the information in this wonderful RailsCast episode.


I could not get this script to work (new to javascript). I am using model User instead of Person. I copied the script as it is on this page and changed all 'person' to 'user'. I put the script is users.js.coffee in my assets/javascript folder. It seems to ignore the script. When I select a state it shows all the countries and related states instead of only displaying the states for the selected country.

I have my fields in a partial that is used both in new and edit.

Again I am new to scripting. I believe that all I have to do is to add the script and it should work. I do this when I want to add functions using Bootstrap. Any help would be appreciated.


I am having issues setting up my mail server (Mac Mini using Lion Server). I get different answers on how to set this up when I call technical support. When I try to send emails it sits until it times out. It is looking for something on my server but I do not know what information to put where. This brings me to my question.

For ease I wanted to use my Gmail smtp settings for my Rails applications. However it appears that Gmail will force the FROM value to the Gmail email address and name (if one is set up) regardless of what the FROM value in the mailer is. Is there any way around this using Gmail? If not are there other email services that are as easy to configure as Gmail is but do not force the FROM value to be the email address? This was not addressed in this railscast.


I plan to watch this video when I am at the point of coding my Rails project. However I am curious if someone who has watched the video can tell me which version of Rails & Thinking Sphinx are being used for this video. I am learning Rails 3.2.3. I currently have gem Thinking-Sphinx 2.0.10 in my Gemfile.