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GitHub User: foohey

Comments by foo


Hmm, I'm not able to find turbo patch for ruby 2.0, are you sure about that ?


Ok so here we need to require mailers classes & action_mailer only, work great


I'm experiencing issue with require "your_app"
what it should be required? the name of my application does not work

It must run with rake or "./bin/worker" ? (both does not work)


Awesome ! but, anyone can tell if queue_classic load the whole application in the workers ? I'm running on a small VPS and it's hard to have 80mb of RAM used by background job workers... just for send registration email (like DJ)


And all unobtrusive javascript things doesn't work anymore in the partial (jquery-ui autocomplete, $(".dynamic_header a").click(function()...)

I have no heavy traffic so I'm back to fragments caching instead of full page