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Janko Marohnić's Profile

GitHub User: janko-m

Comments by Janko Marohnić


The ending with Capybara is like a cherry on top. Such an awesome episode :)


Such an amazong epsiode. I was reading on this full text searching for PostgreSQL before, but I didn't understand quite a lot of things, and this really cleared things up. Thank you so much :)


Nevermind, it automatically works if you use nested fields_for, like this (in Haml):

= labeled_form_for @song do |song_form|
  = song_form.fields_for @song.artist do |artist_form|

Does anyone know how to use this custom form builder with fields_for? I've tried passing the :builder option, but it doesn't work.


Edit: For Facebook you will also need to give them your mobile phone number (they will offer you a link).


Just wanted to share with you some problems I had and how solved them when setting Twitter, Facebook and Google.


After the user typed his information, and when you're handling the callback you just check if the authentication the user typed in exists in your database. If it doesn't, then it's a register. Is this what you meant?


Take a look at the beginning of episode #304, Ryan explains which things have changed in Omniauth. Maybe it will help.