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victor hazbun anuff's Profile

GitHub User: victorhazbunanuff

Comments by victor hazbun anuff


Great episode, was really useful, I published my first gem named Milo, it is a wrapper for the eBay Milo API. Thanks Ryan.


Yeah, but what about Lion os, where I can found ~/.irbrc ???


I do the following:

before_filter :clear_medicine_ids, only: [:create, :update]

def clear_medicine_ids
@medical_consultation.medicine_ids = [] unless params[:medical_consultation][:medicine_ids].present?


Hey, you are missing when user did not select any item on the list, episode-258 / revised / bookstore-chosen-after.


Can some one please teach me how to config and run Private_pub on Heroku? Thanks.


Guys can some one help me, I found this error:

TypeError: Object 1,our first hello world,1,1,hola,1 has no method 'each'

That error was on the 8 line of my js.erb file

var lectures = new Array();
<% for lecture in @lectures -%>
lectures.push(new Array(<%= lecture.course_id %>, '<%=h lecture.title %>', <%= lecture.id %>));
<% end -%>
function courseSelected() {
course_id = $('#course_id').val();
options = $('#lecture_id').find("option");
options.length = 1;
lectures.each(function(lecture) {
if (lecture[0] == course_id) {
options[options.length] = new Option(lecture[1], lecture[2]);
if (options.length == 1) {
} else {

$(document).ready(function() {
$('#course_id').live('change', courseSelected);


Do some one was do it the same example with jQuery???


Hey guys this is the solution, match "javascripts/dynamic_states" => "javascripts#dynamic_states"


A mi tambien me sucede lo mismo, lo que sucede al parecer es que en el recorrido del video Ryan Bates olvido modificar las rutas.