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GitHub User: Schwad

Site: https://github.com/schwad

Comments by Nick Schwad


Since this is pro-only, are these actually paid subscribing people spamming the comments page!?


Cheers for the screencast, I always get nervous with has-and-belongs-to-many associations and join tables, to force myself from my fear I whipped this up in a toy blog app with Posts and Tags! Keep up the good work and looking forward to more!!


I know I've said this a bunch, but, @bparanj, thanks for writing out all these updates for Rails 5!!!


This is one of those episodes where it's been long enough that @bparanj's updates are really handy to see where 'find_by' and "where' are at as of rails 5.... Hadn't heard of 'find_by_column' handling range functionality!


Hey Ben, thanks for the update, I found it very helpful for brining this into context in the Rails 5 world!


As more of a backend dev I've thankfully yet to encounter the need for multiple specific stylesheets, which I could see becoming a scary proposition, but it's nice to have the tool in my arsenal in case I ever really did need to split a whole area or page off on its styling. (I guess the alternative would be namespacing everything you wanted on the specific page as well) Thanks for the railscast!


This is one area that doesn't seem to have changed a whole heck of a lot from the original railscast to today! Will be very handy to use.


I think it's still handy to go through these older railscasts to have a good perspective about where rails has been, where it's come, and why.


I've also found that when you're running together a lot of finds, bundling em into a group of scopes is very handy. But for a few @bparanj's cast works great!


This post previewed "2 comments"; is that because there have only been two comments in the last year?


Is this where you essentially cover off the old screencasts but with the newer syntax?


Dang.... Well at least I won't have to change my 'where'-heavy habits.


This is also a handy way to show newer devs the power of the or/equals operator. Great cast!


What the heck has happened to the comments here the last three months!?