I have this working on my local iMac. When I upload to Heroku, the app gets this log when starting up "/app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.12/lib/active_record/relation/finder_methods.rb:310:in `find_with_ids': Couldn't find Tenant without an ID (ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)"
Do I need to do anything special to run this on Heroku?
Did you ever get a solution?
How do you add a :selected to the grouped_collection_select ???
I have this working on my local iMac. When I upload to Heroku, the app gets this log when starting up "/app/vendor/bundle/ruby/1.9.1/gems/activerecord-3.2.12/lib/active_record/relation/finder_methods.rb:310:in `find_with_ids': Couldn't find Tenant without an ID (ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound)"
Do I need to do anything special to run this on Heroku?
Do you have this in your class? table-striped
I suggest you look at your Rails console to see if there is a message showing an error. It's likely a data read error.
The following puts each record into a dataTable cell instead of a row:
Any way to fix?
NOOB - Getting error
* executing "sudo -p 'sudo password: ' bash -l -c 'cp /home/ubuntu/.ssh/authorized_keys /root/.ssh/'"
servers: [""]
.. ** Failed to connect to, retrying
* executing `rubber:_allow_root_ssh'
I believe my credentials are correct.
If I look at the EC2 console it says the private ip is
NOOB - when I'm creating the EC2 instance, Amazon wants me to select a AMI (stack). Which one do you select?