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John Deliyiannis's Profile

GitHub User: johndel

Site: http://johndel.gr

Comments by John Deliyiannis


Great railscast!

Only one problem with zeus and guard:
When we are using it, randomized with seed is always 0. Any solutions/suggestions? Is not a very big deal nonetheless.


Nice screencast!

Why Ryan used find_by with a bang in the end? Is it for raising a RecordNotFound exception? What are the benefits of this practice?


Nice railscast, I can't wait to see it with capistrano.

It would be interesting to show us how to setup and run multiple apps with different version of ruby and rails with this.

Thank you!


Very nice screencasts!

A little off topic, you mentioned that you transfered it to your iphone for the supermarket. How do you transfer the files there and viewing them offline? Is this possible to an ipad?