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aiCorp's Profile

GitHub User: team45

Comments by aiCorp


Hi, I got this question. What if in the bar action, instead of saying

def bar
  count = @@count
  count += 1
  @@count = count
  render text: "#{@@count}"

The developer can just type as:

def bar
  @@count += 1
  render text: "#{@@count}"

Is my last code considered to be thread-safe?

In Java, we may need to put a keyword 'volatile' on variables of an object which is shared across different threads. What about Ruby in our case ??

Thanks if you could let me know


Hi Guys,
Not sure how scalable model caching is?
In a sense, it looks like we are building a "cached mini DB"..
in a scenario with thousands (or millions) of records , you will end up requiring more and more memory.


resources :products do
put :discontinue,:on => :collection


Made our heads hurt the first time but made a lot more sense after watching it again! Great work.

We found that it pairs up nicely with the Backbone Codeschool course, which let you play with the individual MVC components one by one, and then your Railscasts show the overall architecture of a Backbone app and how the individual bits come together.

There seem to be a few interesting Backbone plugins springing up in the community - Marionette, LayoutManager, ModelBinding and Forms to name just a few we've come across - any chance of a screencast covering some of these?