This is a massive complement to Ryan, but his tutorials really are the simplest to describe the functionality that he is trying to implement in the most elegant way. If you need more dumbed down perhaps you should a: not implement the feature, or do it in a less elegant way with before_save functions on particular attributes (which would work in most cases).
@rosobas pointed this out but as people are still having issues, this is what the initializer should look work with rails 3.1 >
mass_assignment_authorizer now takes a role parameter...
This is a massive complement to Ryan, but his tutorials really are the simplest to describe the functionality that he is trying to implement in the most elegant way. If you need more dumbed down perhaps you should a: not implement the feature, or do it in a less elegant way with before_save functions on particular attributes (which would work in most cases).
humm, not sure about default, what if just choose one!
Just a quick note for anyone using mongomapper or mongoid, or anything that requires removing active record but removing the line
require 'rails/all'
make sure you add:
require 'sprockets/railtie'
this is not currently documented