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GitHub User: msan

Comments by Mauro


what the kaminari corresponding of page_entries_info?
I use it with will_paginate but I didn't find it in kaminari.


It seems to me that with Firefox history.pushState doesn't work very well.
With Chrome it's ok but with Firefox it does not.
Here is the code:

$(function () {
  $('.pagination a').live('click', function () {
      history.pushState(null, "", this.href);
      return false;
  $(window).bind("popstate", function() {

Chrome renders index.js.erb and it is ok, while firefox renders index.js.erb and after it renders index.html.erb too and it is not ok.
I've tried jquery.ba-bbq.js and it works well with Chrome and with Firefox.


I've found that jquery.ba-bbq.js works well than history.pushState


It seems that with iceweasel there are problems using history.pushState.
My javascript code is:
$(function () {
  $('.pagination a').live('click', function () {
      history.pushState(null, "", this.href);
      return false;
  $(window).bind("popstate", function() {

with chrome it calls, for example, index.js.erb and it is right, while with iceweasel it calls index.js.erb and then also index.html.erb.