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Ravindra's Profile

GitHub User: ravidsrk

Site: http://vavia.in

Comments by Ravindra


Great Tutorial.

But I want to know how we can build relavant search engine?

Ex: If we are searching for keyword "beer" if there is not results for the keyword beer it should atleast return relavant results such as "Alcohol","Whisky".

Another Example would be Keyword "mobile phones" it should return results as "Nokia", "Samsung" and so on.


Great Tutorial.

But I want to know how we can build relavant search engine?

Ex: If we are searching for keyword "beer" if there is not results for the keyword beer it should atleast return relavant results such as "Alcohol","Whisky".

Another Example would be Keyword "mobile phones" it should return results as "Nokia", "Samsung" and so on.