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GitHub User: curthasselschwert

Comments by Curt Hasselschwert


Thanks for the tutorial Ryan. Has something changed with the Asset Pipeline in Rails 4 beta that I'm not aware of? After following your screencast, when I visit http://localhost:3000/jasmine, none of my assets are being loaded. The JavaScript and CSS tags are referencing things like http://localhost:3000/jasmine/assets/jasmine.js?body=1 instead of http://localhost:3000/assets/jasmine.js?body=1 Do you have any ideas? I've been reading through the source of both Jasminerice and Rails and can't seem to figure this out. Thanks!


I'm running into a strange problem with cucumber. When I run my feature that tests that a user can create an account, the feature fails with the error No route matches [POST] "/auth/identity/register" (ActionController::RoutingError) It does, however, work just fine if I test it in my browser. Running rake routes dos not show that route, but I assume that's because it's provided by omniauth-identity through rack middleware. Does anyone have any ideas? Any Google searches I've done just bring me back here. Thanks for the great screencast!