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Ali Anwar's Profile

GitHub User: allochi

Comments by Ali Anwar


I found out about

adding this to Gemfile:
gem 'pry'
gem 'pry-rails'
gem 'pry-remote'
gem 'pry-nav'


Hi, I'm using pry and pry_debug in my rails application, have no problem at all with "rails console",but I can't figure out how to step when I include binding.pry in my controller. any hints please.



I loved it, this is amazing in quality and timing. the last few pro screencasts have proven themselves to be very useful in my current work.

A question, could you give an example as how to use fuzzy search? and how to apply "phonetic token filter"?

Although I'm googling around, but I would appreciate any hint, since this what's stoping me now from jumping into elasticsearch/tire to replace sphinx/thining_sphinx.

Again, many thanks!


Actually, it's my mistake, you are right, my credentials where wrong and I fixed it. so it'w working now. Thanks!



I downloaded the source code, when I try to use google (and I need to use it), I get


Any hint please?