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GitHub User: trbartel

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Great help Ryan! Since Ryan is creating new records with his upload, using POST from the INDEX page, has anyone got a PUT to work? I want to upload the file as a PUT/update after my record is created from the record's SHOW page. All my attempts still show "POST" in the logs when they fail. I have it working his way, but don't know what I'm missing this other way??


Great lesson, Ryan. I share this because it slipped by me and it took a lot of troubleshooting to catch it. Hope it helps someone else. When you coded setupForm with $('#new_subscription').submit -> you said, "(#new_subscription), that is the default name that Rails will give it...". The Rails default name for my form wasn't working and I actually had to ID tag the whole form.


See Sanjeev's and my replies below


See Sanjeev's and my replies below


Thanks Sanjeev,,,for those who don't notice the subtle difference... Morris.Line({....}) needs to separate each different chart/graph call with different tags...otherwise it will only see the first and you'll get the "'Graph Placeholder not found'" or "Element not found" errors.


Had a sneaky error on the last step with the re-direct. All the parameters updated my record properly, but got the following error: wrong number of arguments (1 for 0), _steps_controller.rb:57:in `redirect_to_finish_wizard'.

Using the Finish Wizard Path definition at: https://github.com/schneems/wicked it worked fine.

Thanks for a great tutorial!!


One of many thanks for your work. I however forgot to restart my server after making some of these changes... so took a while to figure my mistake. But, it works!