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GitHub User: nicktabs

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If your getting:

"FATAL: role "postgres" does not exist"

Then it's likely you did what I did and put a - in your app name. Remove it.


I had this problem, put an - in my app name and postgres kept erroring. Spent a day trouble shooting postgres by ssh until I noticed the string settings in the yml file.

Annoying the string format isn't in any documentation.


I solved this, turns out running create_staging didn't actually deploy the app. I'm not sure why but I had to run a cold deploy to actually get the app live.


I'm getting this, did you manage to solve it?


Great cast, interesting and well timed. Quick note that the products/show code is missing form the show notes. But I think we can handle that ourselves ;-)


I'm getting 'Graph Placeholder not found' despite the div id being on the page. Any ideas?


Any thoughts on sending multiple e-mails such as a newsletter? A block perhaps?


Thanks Michael. I think I will use will_filter in my project. PDF's would be a handy feature to so thanks for looking it to it.


Looks interesting. I've noticed it also has a 'Export data' feature does it need another gem e.g. Prawn PDF? Thanks.


I'll add to that by saying you have never been able to write to the public folder on heroku anyway. For up-loaders like carrierwave you need to re-define in your model where the tmp upload goes before going off to S3

Such as:

def cache_dir