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GitHub User: dbruns

Comments by Daniel Bruns


checkout http://joshdmiller.github.io/ng-boilerplate/#/home

it has good examples of how to do tests. It doesn't take much to customize to get to work with something similar to what is suggested in this screencast.

Ignore the rails part
angular does not depend on rails.
just search for angular testing or angular karma tests


I saw that too. My first instinct was to look up whether or not this is some new HTML5 thing, but then I decided that Ryan might actually be human and it is just a mistake.


Yeah, I've figured that out, but it would be nice to know why Ryan didn't have to do that. Is there a better way?


I get that from simply doing an rake db:migrate on development with an hstore type :(


PG::Error: ERROR: type "hstore" does not exist is the exact error.


I tried following along but I'm having problems with hstore. I've upgraded to the latest version of postgres with homebrew, but rake db:migrate complains about hstore not being a valid type...


How do you autocomple the "restrict_access". It looked like it cycled through a few options...


I'm not sure you'd really need to do anything different... Just follow the cancan episode


I have to admit I was disappointed when I saw the topic for this week's railscast. The name and description just weren't what I was hoping for. Each week I look forward to learning a new way to use ruby/rails to solve problems by writing code. Pry was just a replacement for irb "UGH".

THEN . . . I watched it.

Wow. Thank you, Ryan. I'm betting that in less than a week, Pry will have saved me hours worth of time.

Lesson learned: Never judge Ryan's screencasts before watching them.


I've been using Sunspot for over a year now and it is very nice, however one thing that seems to be avoided anywhere Sunspot is mentioned is that getting it setup in a production environment can be very tedious. Its actually a real PITA.