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GitHub User: lodfelt

Site: http://www.lodfelt.se

Comments by Kim Lodfelt


Made simple google sign-in work with omniauth-google-oauth2 via https://code.google.com/apis/console/

I guess there exists other gems if I have a business google app and only want people with gmail-accounts connected to my specific company to to be able to sign in. Will keep researching that and am thankful for suggestions.


I want to add "sign in with google" to my application. I already have Twitter and Facebook based on episode 235 "Devise and omniauth" and their implementations were fair and simple.

Is it the omniauth-google_oauth2 gem I should use if I want people to be able to login with their gmail-accounts? If so, where will I find the ['GOOGLE_KEY'] and ['GOOGLE_SECRET']?. Is it by visiting https://code.google.com/apis/console/ and creating an api and using "Client ID" and "Client secret" from there? Or do I have to create some google business app or something?

I mean with Twitter and Facebook I only had to go to their dev-pages and create an app and then it was ready to use.

Or is it an entirely other omniauth gem I should use if I want people to login with gmail/google-accounts?
