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GitHub User: clemensg

Comments by Clemens Gruber


That's a really great episode, thanks Ryan!

Although I am struggling to integrate this with nginx-upload-module.
( https://github.com/vkholodkov/nginx-upload-module/tree/2.2 )

Problem is, we need to have high throughput and are therefore using the nginx module to bypass Rails for uploading files and handle it directly via nginx.

It would be nice if anyone had a suggestion on how to combine the nice client side UI of jquery-file-upload and the backend of the nginx-upload-module ?

Any ideas?


Ryan, I assume you used iTerm2 before you switched back to the OSX Terminal? If so, this option for preserving the directory you were in, can be done in iTerm2 also, it's in Preferences - Profile - General - Working Directory - Advanced Configuration (There I set it to $HOME when opening new windows and to the previous sessions directory on new tabs and split panes. :-)