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Joe Sak's Profile

GitHub User: joemsak

Site: http://www.joesak.com

Comments by Joe Sak


Yep, not trying to start a fight, just defending our work. Haven't tried Alchemy, never intended to say or imply anything about it.


The page parts bug is fixed in 2.0.2. Which bug are you asking about?


I confirm the page parts bug is fixed in 2.0.2. Thanks!


You can relabel the buttons to say anything you want but yes, regardless of our clients' technical skill level, we have trained every single one of them to use the CMS successfully with good, clear documentation and excellent 1-on-1 training sessions, followed by ongoing support if they still have questions. No one has ever, ever had a problem understanding H1, H2, P, etc.

if the client has specific SEO goals, we train them with a style guide of which buttons they should use for what kind of content and heading. It's not hard at all. They get it easily. We also make sure the auto generated markup around their content (this is especially easy with custom engines where they fill in fields more than rich text boxes) is semantic and optimized.


There is also an active IRC channel #refinerycms at irc.freenode.net but yes the guides need work. They are outdated and could use some organization to be sure. The core team and friends are gearing up to dedicate some time to it, especially in light of being featured on Railscasts


With the right combination of engines and development techniques, it's possible to give clients complicated and well-layed-out web sites. I think we've demonstrated that here http://www.neotericdesign.com/portfolio and our own site is in Refinery.


Rails 3.2 migration conventions work, as well. String is default

rails g refinery:engine piano name dimensions manufactured_on:date upright:boolean photo:image description:text


What about doing stubs and mock objects for request specs? I know it's possible in FactoryGirl but I never quite got the hang of it


Ryan, your gotcha applies to the application.js manifest as well

And another gotcha: if you have 'will_paginate' in your Gemfile, it must be set to '3.0.pre2'

Thanks for another informative 'cast!


My fork works with ActsAsTaggableOn and allows NEW entries
