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Kevin Menard's Profile

GitHub User: nirvdrum

Site: http://nirvdrum.com/

Comments by Kevin Menard


It's really up to you. But we handle the single master, multiple slave setup out of the box for both PostgreSQL and MySQL. All you need to do is add a machine with the appropriate slave role (e.g., postgresql_slave) and it'll auto-configure it for async streaming replication from your master. The config is all generated in your project though, so if you want to change to streaming replication, for instance, just modify the generated file and you're good to go.


Sorry. The list is moderated because Google Groups is a spam haven. Your message has gone through now.


It's really hard to provide support here. If you wouldn't mind, please ask the question on the mailing list:


It looks like your role configs might have gotten out of whack. But, hard to to say with just that snippet.


Rubber generates config into your project. By default we set up HAProxy, but you're welcome to delete that and reconfigure the web server ports. I do that currently: I have apache listen on 80 & 443 and use mod_cluster to some TorqueBox servers.


No worries. It's kinda hard to really try to debug what's going on here. Mind joining the mailing list and asking there?




Please hop on the rubber user list [1] and I'll try to help you out there. Sorry, I misread what you typed earlier as us-west-1. The eu-west-1 AMI is ami-1de8d369 (again, taken from http://alestic.com/).

[1] -- http://groups.google.com/group/rubber-ec2


Sorry, that comment in config/rubber/rubber.yml is misleading. You can use any instance type. Although "m1.micro" doesn't exist -- it's "t1.micro".


You don't need DNS out of the box since rubber will write your host entries to /etc/hosts. But if you do want DNS, rubber can manage that as well. Look at the config/rubber/rubber-dns.yml template to get started.


Modify the "domain" setting in config/rubber/rubber.yml.


The AMIs only work in the region they were created in. If you want to use us-west-1 with Ubuntu 12.04, the AMI you want is ami-e7712aa2.

Check out the sidebar on http://alestic.com/ to get a listing of Ubuntu AMIs by region and type.

The timezone setting is just the standard set of timezone mappings from Ubuntu. If you're on the west coast, I guess "America/Vancouver" would do what you want.


You'll get these for a bit. There's a delay between when Amazon indicates the machine is available and when we can actually SSH into it. If it doesn't resolve itself after a few minutes, then something is wrong. But if you only see them for a couple minutes, it's nothing to worry about. EC2 is pretty variable about instance startup time.


Rubber should handle this for you. By default, the current version of rubber (2.0.1) uses ami-3c994355, which corresponds to the 64-bit instance-store Ubuntu 12.04 LTS image.

Feel free to hop onto #rubberec2 on Freenode and I'll try to help out.


Hi. I'm one of the rubber devs. It can handle non-Rails applications just fine. I've personally deployed a couple Sinatra apps with in. And I even use Rubber to manage a few servers that just run Java apps and quite a few Windows machines on EC 2 (note that Rubber can only create/destroy/reboot Windows -- no app deploy).

It is currently EC 2 only. Part of the rubber 2 revamp was to base it on fog, which opens up the opportunity to run on a lot more providers. But, as of yet, we haven't done the work to finish this up. It's on the docket though.