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Boris Barroso's Profile

GitHub User: boriscy

Site: http://boliviaonrails.com

Comments by Boris Barroso


You are so right, I have tried AngularJS in the past and it's obstrusive if you want the two way data binding with Backbone use rivets.js, you can check an example I have done http://boriscy.github.com/backbone-rivetsjs/


Using Hstore would do searching, sorting, filtering you can index with Hstore to be fast


In case you would use Hstore (PostgreSQL) do you think it would be simpler and faster?


Well I would like to mention that episode 389 is about using schemas with PostgreSQL, so far I have read you are using mongodb and I would like to know what you were using before.


Interesting but I don't like this approach, works well for simple applications, but it's very open to attacks, I think a better approach is using PostgreSQL schemas, and changing the schema with the subdomain, this way you truly create a separate schema (DB) with it's own data, of course when you should create a new schema for each new subdomain, and you should run the migrations in all schemas.


Great to see this article, PostgreSQL is by far the best choice in many ways, if you want to create an application with accounts that might not have relation (like basecamp) you can create multitenant databases with the schema feature from PostgeSQL. I Have used it with bonsaierp.com


I do integration testing with Rspec but instead I use Steak and Akephalos, I have created a demo https://github.com/boriscy/akephalos_steak to setup a rails app to test, it's a simple configuration. I have also created this tutorial in spanish http://www.boliviaonrails.com/2011/03/01/testeando-javascript-con-steak-y-akephalos/