I am trying to get highlighting working with the railscast code.
I have set text :content,:stored => true. And tried
@search = Article.search do
fulltext params[:search] {minimum_match 1} do
hightlight :content
I read that ngrams causes trouble, so I've tried with and without, but no success. I can't tell if trouble is in my setup for solrconfig, schema, articles model or controller. Stopping and restarting solr with each change is key since it reads schema and solrconfig only when it starts.
Anyone have a working version to share or figured out steps to make it work?
I am trying to get highlighting working with the railscast code.
I have set text :content,:stored => true. And tried
@search = Article.search do
fulltext params[:search] {minimum_match 1} do
hightlight :content
I read that ngrams causes trouble, so I've tried with and without, but no success. I can't tell if trouble is in my setup for solrconfig, schema, articles model or controller. Stopping and restarting solr with each change is key since it reads schema and solrconfig only when it starts.
Anyone have a working version to share or figured out steps to make it work?