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Johannes Barre's Profile

GitHub User: iGEL

Comments by Johannes Barre


I had problems with the encoding of my mysql database, so here is the trick:

taps server mysql://root@localhost/example_database?encoding=UTF8 httpuser httppassword

From: https://github.com/ricardochimal/taps/issues/110#issuecomment-6364498


Small hint: It's not really necessary to use browser prefixes for border-radius anymore, since in January 2010 (Chrome 4), in June 2010 (Safari 5) and March 2011 (Firefox 4) the prefix was dropped. Opera and Internet Explorer never provided a prefixed form. Could save you some bytes in your CSS.

You also might want to use -prefix-free.js, a 2K lib which let you use the unprefixed stylesheets and rewrite them as necessary. http://leaverou.github.com/prefixfree/


How about images referenced inside of your css (or js) files? Is there a better solution than rename these files to .css.erb and using the image_tag inside of them?


Nice screencast, as always. Hope you tell us about the image referencing gotcha in a later episode. If you reference your images from css without erb, it'll break in production. See
