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Applied Filters: rails xActive Support x
Rails 2.3 Extras
Episode #152Mar 09, 200955 comments

Rails 2.3 Extras

This episode finishes up this series on Rails 2.3. Here you will learn about several smaller additions in 2.3. (9 minutes)
Time Zones (revised)
Episode #106Oct 28, 201293 comments

Time Zones (revised)

Active Support makes it easy to work with time zones. Learn how to add a Time Zone select field to a user form and watch out for the gotchas. (7 minutes)
Caching in Rails 2.1
Episode #115Jun 23, 200878 comments

Caching in Rails 2.1

Rails 2.1 brings some new caching features which makes it very easy to cache any values including models. See how in this episode. (8 minutes)
Formatting Time
Episode #31May 14, 200746 comments

Formatting Time

Learn how to use the trusty strftime method to format a time, and see how Rails allows you to save this format for later use. (5 minutes)
Episode #42Jun 08, 200736 comments


Several methods in rails take a hash of options as the last argument. If you are passing the same options to several methods, you can remove this duplication by using with_options. Learn all about it in this episode. (3 minutes)
Shortcut Blocks with Symbol to_proc
Episode #6Mar 16, 200743 comments

Shortcut Blocks with Symbol to_proc

It may have a goofy syntax, but the Symbol#to_proc feature Rails adds allows you to do simple blocks very quickly and easily. (3 minutes)