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Hacking with Arel
Episode #355May 30, 201270 comments

Hacking with Arel

Here I show a variety of ways to rewrite a long SQL query using only Active Record and Arel. This includes generating scopes dynamically, adding an "or" operator, and adding a powerful "match" method. (15 minutes)
Multitenancy with PostgreSQL
Episode #389Oct 27, 2012112 comments

Multitenancy with PostgreSQL

PostgreSQL Schemas can help create a multi-tenant app by keeping data separate at the database layer. Integrating with migrations can be tricky though, so watch this episode for the full details. (11 minutes)
Full-Text Search in PostgreSQL
Episode #343Apr 17, 2012131 comments

Full-Text Search in PostgreSQL

Postgres offers full-text searching right out of the box. This episode shows how to write queries from scratch, apply tools like Texticle and pg_search, and optimize performance through indexes. (16 minutes)
Multitenancy with Scopes
Episode #388Oct 20, 2012120 comments

Multitenancy with Scopes

A multi-tenant application can be difficult to implement because the data for each tenant must be completely separate. Here I show how to do this using subdomains and default scopes in Active Record. (12 minutes)
A Tour of State Machines
Episode #392Nov 17, 201293 comments

A Tour of State Machines

Here I show how three popular state machine gems can be used to clean up a list of boolean/datetime fields. I also show a custom solution which keeps track of the history of events. (12 minutes)