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Tree-Based Navigation (revised)
Episode #162Dec 01, 201293 comments

Tree-Based Navigation (revised)

If your Rails app is content-heavy, consider organizing it in a tree menu structure. Here I show how to add top-level tabs, nested links in a side bar, and breadcrumbs to go up the hierarchy. (10 minutes)
Sortable Lists (revised)
Episode #147Oct 13, 2011131 comments

Sortable Lists (revised)

Here I show how to use jQuery UI to make a sortable list and a "sort" action to handle the updating. Top it off with acts_as_list to make it feature complete. (6 minutes)
Advanced Search Form (revised)
Episode #111Nov 17, 201161 comments

Advanced Search Form (revised)

It is often best to use a GET request when submitting a search form, however if it is an advanced search form with a lot of fields then this may not be ideal. Here I show how to create a search resource to handle this. (6 minutes)