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Dynamic Layouts
Episode #125Sep 01, 200842 comments

Dynamic Layouts

Discover how to dynamically change the layout using content in the database. Check out this episode for details. (11 minutes)
Wizard Forms with Wicked
Episode #346May 03, 201284 comments

Wizard Forms with Wicked

Creating a wizard form can be tricky in Rails. Learn how Wicked can help by turning a controller into a series of multiple steps. (11 minutes)
All About Layouts
Episode #7Mar 19, 200739 comments

All About Layouts

Everything you wanted to know about layouts: global layouts, controller layouts, shared layouts, dynamic layouts and action layouts. Yes, there really are that many ways to specify a layout. (6 minutes)
Better Sass with Bourbon
Episode #330Mar 07, 201265 comments

Better Sass with Bourbon

If you are tired of the browser vendor prefixes in CSS, check out Bourbon. It provides Sass mixins and functions to make CSS more convenient. (7 minutes)
Compass & CSS Sprites
Episode #334Mar 21, 201257 comments

Compass & CSS Sprites

Compass improves the Sass experience by providing useful mixins, functions, and more. You will also learn how to make CSS sprites with it in this episode. (9 minutes)
Layouts and content_for
Episode #8Mar 21, 200745 comments

Layouts and content_for

If you want to change something in the layout on a per-template basis, content_for is your answer! This allows templates to specify view code that can be placed anywhere in a layout. (3 minutes)
Nested Model Form Part 1
Episode #196Jan 11, 2010184 comments

Nested Model Form Part 1

Handling multiple models in a single form is much easier with the accepts_nested_attributes_for method. See how to use this method to handle nested model fields. (11 minutes)
Formtastic Part 1
Episode #184Oct 19, 200978 comments

Formtastic Part 1

Formtastic is a concise way to generate form views. In this episode (part 1 of 2) I show how to generate both a simple form and a more complex one which is customized with options. (10 minutes)
5 View Tips
Episode #100Apr 07, 200880 comments

5 View Tips

Here's five quick tips to use in views. Be sure to catch the end of the episode where I reveal an exciting contest! (9 minutes)
Looping Through Flash
Episode #18Apr 13, 200735 comments

Looping Through Flash

Displaying flash messages in the layout can be a pain at times. In this episode you will learn an easy way to display any kind of flash message by looping through the hash. (1 minute)