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Form Objects
Episode #416Jun 03, 2013335 comments

Form Objects

Models have a tendency to become a complex mess as an application grows. In this episode you will learn a couple of techniques to extract form-behavior out into its own class. (18 minutes)
Dynamic Forms
Episode #403Jan 27, 2013120 comments

Dynamic Forms

Learn how to add fields to a form dynamically using another form, complete with custom field types. It's fieldception! (14 minutes)
Form Builders
Episode #311Dec 26, 201142 comments

Form Builders

Forms often follow a similar pattern with a lot of repetition. Learn how to clean up form views and remove duplication with the help of form builders. (12 minutes)
More on Twitter Bootstrap
Episode #329Feb 28, 2012117 comments

More on Twitter Bootstrap

This episode continues on the Twitter Bootstrap project showing how to display flash messages, add form validations with SimpleForm, customize layout with variables, and switch to using Sass. (12 minutes)