- Active Record
- Active Resource
- Active Support
- Administration
- Ajax
- APIs
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Background Jobs
- Caching
- Code Walkthrough
- Controllers
- Debugging
- Deployment
- eCommerce
- Forms
- Mailing
- Models
- Performance
- Plugins
- Production
- Rack
- Rails 2.0
- Rails 2.1
- Rails 2.2
- Rails 2.3
- Rails 3.0
- Rails 3.1
- Rails 3.2
- Rails 4.0
- Refactoring
- Routing
- Search
- Security
- Testing
- Tools
- Views
Sending HTML Email
HTML email can be difficult to code because any CSS should be made inline. Here I present a few tools for doing this including the premailer-rails3 and roadie gems.
(5 minutes)
Client-Side Performance
Optimizing Rails performance can only take you so far. The client-side plays a big part in how fast a page feels. Here I show many tools that can help make your apps faster than ever.
(14 minutes)
Getting Started with Rails
Learning Ruby on Rails can be overwhelming, especially if you are new to programming. Here I will take you on a tour through various resources to help get started with Rails.
(7 minutes)
Guard watches files and runs a command after a file is modified. This allows you to automatically run tests in the background, restart your development server, reload the browser, and more.
(8 minutes)
Making Generators in Rails 3
Generators in Rails 3 have been rewritten to use Thor which means the code used to create a generator is quite different. Here you will learn the new way to make generators in Rails 3.
(10 minutes)
Screen Scraping with Nokogiri
Screen scraping is easy with Nokogiri and SelectorGadget.
(13 minutes)
Selenium is a great way to test your app automatically through a browser. See how it works in this episode.
(9 minutes)
How to Make a Generator
Rails comes with many built-in generators, but what if you want to customize them or make your own? Rails gives you a great way to do this which you will learn in this episode.
(11 minutes)