- Active Record
- Active Resource
- Active Support
- Administration
- Ajax
- APIs
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Background Jobs
- Caching
- Code Walkthrough
- Controllers
- Debugging
- Deployment
- eCommerce
- Forms
- Mailing
- Models
- Performance
- Plugins
- Production
- Rack
- Rails 2.0
- Rails 2.1
- Rails 2.2
- Rails 2.3
- Rails 3.0
- Rails 3.1
- Rails 3.2
- Rails 4.0
- Refactoring
- Routing
- Search
- Security
- Testing
- Tools
- Views
Applied Filters:
authorization x
7 Security Tips
Security is important! Here I show seven different security flaws which are common to Rails applications ranging from mass assignment to CSRF protection.
(14 minutes)
Beginning with Cucumber
Cucumber is a high-level testing framework. In this episode we will create a new Rails application from scratch using behavior driven development.
(15 minutes)
Integrating Active Merchant
In this episode I show how to add Active Merchant's functionality to a Rails application to make a fully-functional checkout process.
(18 minutes)
Thinking Sphinx
If you need a full text search engine, Thinking Sphinx is a great solution. See why in this episode.
(12 minutes)
More on Cucumber
There is a lot more to Cucumber than I showed in an earlier episode. See how to refactor complex scenarios in this episode.
(18 minutes)
Active Merchant Basics
Active Merchant is a great library for handling credit card transactions. In this episode I will show you the basics of using it to communicate with PayPal's gateway.
(10 minutes)
Session Based Model
If you have a lot of logic associated with the data inside a session, you'll need some central location to put this logic. See how to create a session based model in this episode.
(13 minutes)
More on ActiveResource
See how to handle authentication and custom actions using ActiveResource in this episode.
(8 minutes)
Exception Notifications
If you're running a production site, it's a good idea to record all exceptions which occur. See how to set up a notification system which does that in this episode.
(8 minutes)
Stopping Spam with Akismet
The Railscasts site has been getting a lot of comment spam in the past, but no longer. In this episode I will show you how I solved this problem by using the Akismet web service.
(11 minutes)