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Applied Filters: rails x
SQL Injection
Episode #25Apr 30, 200737 comments

SQL Injection

One of the most common security problems for dynamic sites is SQL Injection. Thankfully Rails does everything it can in solving this issue, but you still need to be aware of it. (5 minutes)
Shortcut Blocks with Symbol to_proc
Episode #6Mar 16, 200743 comments

Shortcut Blocks with Symbol to_proc

It may have a goofy syntax, but the Symbol#to_proc feature Rails adds allows you to do simple blocks very quickly and easily. (3 minutes)
Filtering Sensitive Logs
Episode #9Mar 23, 200740 comments

Filtering Sensitive Logs

Are you accepting sensitive user data? Passwords, credit card numbers, etc. By default, Rails stores all submitted parameters in plain text in the logs. This episode will show you how to filter this sensitive input so it doesn't show up in the log file. (2 minutes)
YAML Configuration File
Episode #85Dec 23, 200750 comments

YAML Configuration File

Application configuration shouldn't be spread throughout your code base. Instead a much better place to put it is an external YAML file. See how to do that in this episode. (7 minutes)
Action Caching
Episode #93Feb 17, 200837 comments

Action Caching

Action caching behaves much like page caching except it processes the controller filters. You can also make it conditional as seen in this episode. (7 minutes)
Fragment Caching
Episode #90Jan 27, 200842 comments

Fragment Caching

Sometimes you only want to cache a section of a page instead of the entire page. Fragment caching is the answer as shown in this episode. (6 minutes)
Page Caching
Episode #89Jan 20, 200834 comments

Page Caching

Page caching is an efficient way to cache stateless content. In this episode I will show you how to cache the dynamic javascript we created last week. (6 minutes)
Custom Rake Tasks
Episode #66Aug 13, 200755 comments

Custom Rake Tasks

Rake is one of those tools that you don't realize how powerful it is until you start using it. In this episode you will learn how to create custom rake tasks and improve them by using rake features. (10 minutes)
Counter Cache Column
Episode #23Apr 25, 200769 comments

Counter Cache Column

If you need to display the record count for a has_many association, you can improve performance by caching that number in a column. (7 minutes)
The Logger
Episode #56Jul 11, 200732 comments

The Logger

Learn all about the logger in this episode. See how to send messages to the log and how to customize it. (9 minutes)