- Active Record
- Active Resource
- Active Support
- Administration
- Ajax
- APIs
- Authentication
- Authorization
- Background Jobs
- Caching
- Code Walkthrough
- Controllers
- Debugging
- Deployment
- eCommerce
- Forms
- Mailing
- Models
- Performance
- Plugins
- Production
- Rack
- Rails 2.0
- Rails 2.1
- Rails 2.2
- Rails 2.3
- Rails 3.0
- Rails 3.1
- Rails 3.2
- Rails 4.0
- Refactoring
- Routing
- Search
- Security
- Testing
- Tools
- Views
Applied Filters:
rails x
Active Model
In Rails 3 the non-database functionality of Active Record is extracted out into Active Model. This allows you to cleanly add validations and other features to tableless models.
(6 minutes)
Trees with Ancestry
The Ancestry gem works like a tree but also allows us to fetch deeply nested messages in a single query. It provides a method to arrange them after fetching.
(9 minutes)
Nested Model Form Part 2
Add and remove nested model fields dynamically through JavaScript using either Prototype or jQuery.
(12 minutes)
Mobile Devices
Change the look and behavior of a Rails app on mobile devices. Also use jQTouch to build a native-looking interface.
(13 minutes)
Seed Data
Rails 2.3.4 includes a conventional way to add seed data to your application - no more including it in the migration files.
(7 minutes)
Request Specs and Capybara
Request specs in RSpec are a great way to ensure the entire application stack is working properly. Here I also show how to use capybara with integrated JavaScript testing using Selenium.
(13 minutes)
Touch and Cache
Rails 2.3.3 brings us a new feature called "touch". See how to use this to auto-expire associated caches in this episode.
(6 minutes)
OmniAuth Part 2
In this episode we continue our look at integrating OmniAuth with devise. Here I show how to set up new users with validations.
(15 minutes)
Guard watches files and runs a command after a file is modified. This allows you to automatically run tests in the background, restart your development server, reload the browser, and more.
(8 minutes)
Simple OmniAuth
Authentication is incredibly simple to add with just OmniAuth if you don't need username/password or multiple authentications per user.
(9 minutes)