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- Rails 2.0
- Rails 2.1
- Rails 2.2
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- Rails 3.0
- Rails 3.1
- Rails 3.2
- Rails 4.0
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- Views
Virtual Machines with Vagrant
Vagrant allows you to run your Rails application and all of its dependencies in a portable, sharable environment. Use for development, set it up as a staging server, or experiment with a production setup.
(11 minutes)
Exception Notifications (revised)
Few things are worse than seeing a "Something went wrong" 500 error on your production application. Here I show how to be notified when this happens using exception_notification and mention several other alternatives.
(6 minutes)
Testing with VCR
If you ever need to test an application which communicates with an external API, VCR is the way to go. Here I show a workflow in RSpec, how to use with capybara-mechanize, how to add sanitization filtering, and more.
(13 minutes)
SOAP with Savon
Communicating with a SOAP API can be a daunting task. Savon makes this easier by presenting the SOAP API through a Ruby interface.
(9 minutes)
Sortable Lists (revised)
Here I show how to use jQuery UI to make a sortable list and a "sort" action to handle the updating. Top it off with acts_as_list to make it feature complete.
(6 minutes)
PayPal Recurring Billing
Here I show how to add PayPal recurring payments to an existing checkout process using PayPal's Express Checkout and the paypal-recurring gem.
(24 minutes)
Billing with Stripe
Stripe is a full-stack payment solution with very reasonable pricing and is easy to setup. See how to add it to a Rails application here. Currently only available in the US.
(16 minutes)
will_paginate (revised)
Almost every Rails application needs pagination, and will_paginate is a great way to go. Here I show you how to set it up, customize the way it looks, and see how it compares with Kaminari.
(6 minutes)
Presenters from Scratch
Clean up complex view logic with the help of presenters, and doing this from scratch gives you a lot of flexibility. Here I show not only how to create presenters, but how to test them using Test Unit and RSpec.
(14 minutes)
Clean up complex view logic using Draper. This gem provides decorators (much like presenters) which bundles view logic in an object oriented fashion. In this episode I do a step-by-step refactoring of a complex template into a decorator.
(12 minutes)