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Delayed Job
Episode #171Jul 20, 200975 comments

Delayed Job

Is there a long running task which should be handled in the background? One of the best ways is using the delayed_job plugin like I show in this episode. (10 minutes)
Episode #134Nov 03, 2008158 comments


Need to add image attachments to a model? See how with paperclip in this episode. (7 minutes)
OpenID Authentication
Episode #68Aug 27, 200775 comments

OpenID Authentication

Ever wonder how to implement OpenID authentication in your Rails app? This episode will show you how to add it to a site with an existing authentication system. (11 minutes)
Cron in Ruby
Episode #164Jun 01, 200970 comments

Cron in Ruby

Cron is great for handling recurring tasks, but it is an external dependency with a crazy syntax. In this episode I show you how to use Whenever to create cron jobs with Ruby. (8 minutes)
Tree Based Navigation
Episode #162May 18, 200970 comments

Tree Based Navigation

The acts_as_tree plugin provides many methods for handling a tree based association. In this episode I show how to build a navigation system with tabs, subpages, and breadcrumbs. (11 minutes)
Episode #156Apr 06, 200960 comments


If you prefer writing integration tests in ruby instead of Cucumber's plain english, consider interacting with Webrat directly as I show in this episode. (7 minutes)
Episode #51Jun 29, 2007101 comments


In edge rails (soon to be Rails 2.0), the built-in pagination has been moved into a plugin: classic_pagination. I recommend jumping over to the will_paginate plugin as shown in this episode. (6 minutes)
Custom Daemon
Episode #129Sep 29, 200863 comments

Custom Daemon

Creating a custom daemon to handle background tasks is surprisingly simple. In this episode I will make a daemon to handle dynamically scheduled tasks. (7 minutes)