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Upgrading to Rails 4
Episode #415May 06, 2013211 comments

Upgrading to Rails 4

With the release of Rails 4.0.0.rc1 it's time to try it out and report any bugs. Here I walk you through the steps to upgrade a Rails 3.2 application to Rails 4. (12 minutes)
Fast Rails Commands
Episode #412Apr 04, 2013179 comments

Fast Rails Commands

Rails commands, such as generators, migrations, and tests, have a tendency to be slow because they need to load the Rails app each time. Here I show three tools to make this faster: Zeus, Spring, and Commands. (8 minutes)
What's New in Rails 4
Episode #400Jan 04, 2013115 comments

What's New in Rails 4

Rails 4.0 is still unfinished, but it is shaping up to become a great release. Here I show how to setup a new Rails 4.0 (edge) application and walk through many of its new features. (20 minutes)
The Rails API Gem
Episode #348May 09, 201274 comments

The Rails API Gem

It is often asked: Is Rails a good fit if I only need to serve an API? In this episode I show how to use the Rails API gem to create a slimmer Rails application designed to respond with JSON. (9 minutes)
Getting Started with Rails
Episode #310Dec 26, 201161 comments

Getting Started with Rails

Learning Ruby on Rails can be overwhelming, especially if you are new to programming. Here I will take you on a tour through various resources to help get started with Rails. (7 minutes)
Rails 3.1 Overview
Episode #265May 09, 2011149 comments

Rails 3.1 Overview

This is the first episode in a series covering Rails 3.1. Here I show how to install the beta and show some of the new features. (13 minutes)
Authentication in Rails 3.1
Episode #270Jun 13, 2011138 comments

Authentication in Rails 3.1

Here I show off three new features in Rails 3.1 that will help with authentication: easier HTTP Basic, SecurePassword in the database, and forcing SSL. (7 minutes)
Upgrading to Rails 3.2
Episode #318Jan 23, 201252 comments

Upgrading to Rails 3.2

Rails 3.2 sports many new features including automatic explain queries, tagged logging, key-value store in Active Record, improved migration generator and more. Learn all about these new features in this episode. (9 minutes)
Upgrading to Rails 3.1
Episode #282Sep 05, 201153 comments

Upgrading to Rails 3.1

It is incredibly easy to upgrade to Rails 3.1, but if you want to take advantage of the asset pipeline you will need to put in some extra effort. Have no fear because I walk you through each of the necessary steps in this episode. (8 minutes)
Episode #417Jun 16, 2013333 comments


ZURB's Foundation is a front-end for quickly building applications and prototypes. It is similar to Twitter Bootstrap but uses Sass instead of LESS. Here you will learn the basics of the grid system, navigation, tooltips and more. (11 minutes)