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MiniTest with Rails
Episode #327Feb 21, 201277 comments

MiniTest with Rails

MiniTest is a fast and lightweight testing library. Here you will learn how to use it in a Rails app for model, helper, and integration testing. The Turn gem is also demonstrated for prettier test output. (15 minutes)
Fast Tests
Episode #413Apr 10, 2013200 comments

Fast Tests

A slow test suite can put a damper on test-driven development. In this episode I show a variety of ways to optimize specs including: selective testing, preloading Rails, and testing outside of Rails. (17 minutes)
Testing JavaScript with Jasmine (revised)
Episode #261Jun 28, 201266 comments

Testing JavaScript with Jasmine (revised)

The jasminerice gem makes it easy to test your JavaScript with Jasmine in a Rails application. Here I also cover jasmine-jquery and guard-jasmine. (11 minutes)
Episode #285Sep 26, 201176 comments


Spork improves the loading time of your test suite by starting up your Rails application once in the background. Use it with Guard for the ultimate combo in fast feedback while doing TDD. (9 minutes)
Site-Wide Announcements (revised)
Episode #103Nov 12, 201295 comments

Site-Wide Announcements (revised)

Here I show how to add an announcement message at the top of every page in the application and allow the user to permanently hide it. This is all done test-first and even includes testing the JavaScript behavior. (11 minutes)
Extracting a Ruby Gem
Episode #301Nov 21, 201140 comments

Extracting a Ruby Gem

In this episode I show how to extract a Ruby Gem from an existing Rails application, test it with RSpec and Supermodel, and add a Railtie. (16 minutes)
A Tour of State Machines
Episode #392Nov 17, 201293 comments

A Tour of State Machines

Here I show how three popular state machine gems can be used to clean up a list of boolean/datetime fields. I also show a custom solution which keeps track of the history of events. (12 minutes)
Testing JavaScript with PhantomJS
Episode #391Nov 07, 201284 comments

Testing JavaScript with PhantomJS

PhantomJS allows us to test JavaScript without going through a browser window. Here I show how to do this using Capybara and Poltergeist. I also give some tips on handling database transactions and skipping javascript tests. (10 minutes)
How I Test
Episode #275Jul 18, 2011137 comments

How I Test

Here I show how I would add tests to the password reset feature created in the previous episode. I use RSpec, Capybara, Factory Girl, and Guard to make request, model, and mailer specs. (15 minutes)
Factories not Fixtures (revised)
Episode #158Oct 27, 201144 comments

Factories not Fixtures (revised)

Fixtures are external dependencies which can make tests brittle and difficult to read. In this episode I show how to use Factory Girl to generate the needed records directly in the tests. (9 minutes)