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iashraf's Profile

GitHub User: iashraf

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Hi - Does anyone know how to group the output of the activity list by date in the view? So it looks something like:

Thursday, February 14, 2013
     -  13:40: Sample activity
     -  13:30: Sample activity
     -  13:20: Sample activity

Tuesday, February 12, 2013
     -  15:40: Sample activity
     -  14:30: Sample activity



Is there a way to set a column in the Activities table to attr_accessible? (no model?) I've added a custom field to query against but need it to be accessible? - Thanks!


Hi Amunda, if I understand your question correctly, it's not a problem. That if statement is only checking whether the comments container element is on the page. If it is, then we know we're on the right page, and it would call CommentPoller.poll(). if its not, then we dont need to use the JS