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Russell's Profile

GitHub User: Russell108

Site: www.drusound.com

Comments by Russell


my mistake the log says "Unpermitted parameters: utf8, authenticity_token, venue, commit" but I had an error in my code which compounded things


I am trying to use Strong_parameters with Ajax & I get the following

Unpermitted parameters: utf8, if I do not include it in the permitted or

ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError (unknown attribute: authenticity_token): if I do

Is this me or a Work in progress I can make it work for a html form.

puts "<%= simple_form_for(@venue, remote: true ) do |f| %>"

Very large data files 50MB
Thanks for the wonderfully presented railscast.

I am wanting to upload mp3 files to my server then add mp3 metadata and zip them up before sending them off to Amazon S3.

I am concerned about the upload time so I was going to use Nginx upload module.

Another option would be to use Carrier wave and then store the files at Amazon then retrieve them for the processing and return them separately.

I would appreciate some reflections even a suggestion where to post such a question.

Thanks again

Best wishes Russell