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GitHub User: Tassler

Site: rubyruckus.posterous.com

Comments by Dana


Hello Dan,

I had bookmarked that link some time ago but your website appears to be down.

Is there a replacement site where your content is hosted? It is a great article and I'm sure those of us who read it found it useful.

Thank you much.


Unfortunately, Dan's site seems to be down. I sure do wish I'd saved his post as a PDF or something, it's brilliantly written and simple.


Erick, is there any way you could provide an example of your suggestion? I'm also using pagination and would like the exported files to contain only the search results. (Not just the first 25 results as defined in my controller.)


Might want to try something like this, Al. (Stolen from a post above.)

format.csv { render :text => Product.to_csv }


I tried following this screencast and gave up because I was running into an issue identical to what Andy Weber found.

Am currently using the following code, which does work:

format.csv { render :text => Product.to_csv }


Was just looking for a solution while testing a portion of an application which uses google's geocoding service. We're limited to the number of geocoding requests we can make, so I turned to VCR.

I'd swear my reading comprehension is good until I attempt to read a README (no offense intended, Myron).

This screencast had me up and running moments after watching. Thanks much, Ryan and Myron!


+1 for this. I've found it's sometimes tough remembering when to restart the server. Helped me out quite a bit.

As an aside, I feel it's absolutely important when creating any sorts of instructions for people that no steps be left out.

(Always assume the lowest level of experience.)


Thank you, Jakub!!!

I suppose I should have checked that first, but again thank you very much. Was very frustrated.