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John Athayde's Profile

GitHub User: boboroshi

Site: www.boboroshi.com

Comments by John Athayde


Does 304 show up as a page view and work with say, google analytics? Since it's a local javascript, one would think it would get called again, but I'm not sure how the browser handles a 304.


Rails 3.2, getting an odd error where it closes the div class nested-messages then prints the content, then echoes the div again, like this (i'm using folders instead of messages)

<div class="nested-folders"></div>  
<a href="/clients/2/folders/2">Child of Test Folder</a> (x files)<br>
<a href="/folders/new?client_id=2&amp;parent_id=2">Add child folder</a>
<div class="nested-folders"></div>