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Jeffrey Jones's Profile

GitHub User: rurounijones

Site: http://jeff.jones.be

Comments by Jeffrey Jones


This question has been raised (but not answered) here: https://github.com/influitive/apartment/issues/1

Keep an eye on that issue, more information may be forthcoming.

EDIT: Issue is slightly different (although still worth reading for extra information).

Rails has built-in ability to use structure.sql instead of scheme.rb.

It is a rails config option (config.active_record.schema_format = :sql).

How it goes about it though is not something I have looked at yet but probably something you want to copy.


Ooooh sexy!

Very useful for my internal admin panels which use Bootstrap2.


For everyone telling me to get a subscription. I already have one or I wouldn't have been able to comment here in the first place.

I was merely pointing out that since this is suddenly a large, important, issue which has blown up in everyone's faces maybe this one time the revised episode could go out to all in the spirit of public service.


Although this is a revised episode (and therefor subscriber only)
it is really a rather important one given recent events.

What about, this one time, making it a normal video and free to all to view?


Windows has an embedded runtime which can be used by execjs, you don't need to specify anything, it should just work.


The only thing about CoffeeScript that I am wary of is that the code you write is not the code that will appear in firebug when you have to debug a problem.

I am not a JS developer (Thank deity for jquery) but I did have to write 300 lines of JQuery/DOM JS recently for a horrendously complicated set of form manipulation functions.

It had 24 test scenarios (Thank deity for Cucumber & Akephalos ) and whenever a problem arose debugging it was a total total pain in the arse.

I honestly doubt I would have been able to debug it if I had to look through compiled JS.


The only thing about CoffeeScript that I am wary of is that the code you write is not the code that will appear in firebug when you have to debug a problem.

I am not a JS developer (Thank deity for jquery) but I did have to write 300 lines of JQuery/DOM JS recently for a horrendously complicated set of form manipulation functions.

It had 24 test scenarios (Thank deity for Cucumber & Akephalos ) and whenever a problem arose debugging it was a total total pain in the arse.

I honestly doubt I would have been able to debug it if I had to look through compiled JS.


Oooo you beautiful man you! I am just about to start creating a search page with various dropdowns and options etc and his just made my day.