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GitHub User: ktkaushik
Site: http://ktkaushik.com
Thank you so much for this. I did not know we can use Model attributes in a more simpler than i used to do it all the time.
Thanks for this.
small update, i dont think one needs to store the OpenID information anymore.
provider :google_apps, :domain_name => 'your_domain_name', :name=>'admin'
Mine just worked fine this way.
require 'capybara/rails'
capybara/rspec was unable to load, this works fine for me.
Using Rails 3.1 on Ubuntu.
Thank you so much for this. I did not know we can use Model attributes in a more simpler than i used to do it all the time.
Thanks for this.
small update, i dont think one needs to store the OpenID information anymore.
Mine just worked fine this way.
require 'capybara/rails'
was unable to load, this works fine for me.Using Rails 3.1 on Ubuntu.